Thursday, September 29, 2011


This YouTube video humorously raises questions about how our generation lives our day-to-day lives. The central character is "plugged-in" to a fantasy football game in which he experiences his daily entertainment while he could experience a more rewarding game in reality with his friend at no charge, instead of the $599 price tag he paid for his uMove game system. To his friend, he seems utterly ridiculous because it is obvious to him that his friend is falling for a scam, a scam that robs him of fully experiencing normal life. Although his friend attempts to convince him of the absurdity of the game, he fails to recognize the value of real life experiences.


  1. This is too hilarious! What I can say is that he love football until indulge in his own illusion. Even he got scam and paid $599 for nothing he still enjoyed the digression from the so called invisible "box". Yet he insist what he is playing is real instead of playing outside with his friends in a real physically game with a touchable ball.

  2. This is a very interesting video. I have to be honest, I did laugh. A serious social topic is brought up with hilarious plots in the video. Besides the fun getting out of the uMove idea, there is a big concern about teenage indulgence in video games and disconnection with the outside world. However, it does not merely apply to teenagers but also every single person who uses computer frequently. As the improvement of technology, people can get access to the outside world easily through the internet: online news, latest video games, online stores, etc. Nonetheless, a coin has two sides; the convenience comes along with a disconnection with the outside world. The more a person is getting indulged in the invisible online world, the less social activities he/ she is going to engage in. In another word, they are losing their friends, or even family.

  3. I agree with Siew Wah Kon and Wannie, this is interesting and funny! I enjoy how it comments on society today with the constant updates in technology. It's true, it's hard to keep up with a new game console or computer type so often. I like how it makes a mockery of society today and how caught up everyone gets with the latest technology. It has become a big part of our lives to stay updated on new cell phones, laptops, iPads etc. I like how they commented on the fact that the friend that is caught up in this technology has trouble valuing real life experiences, rather than "experiences" that come from video games consoles.

  4. Unfortunately, I am going to have to disagree with the people above me. To me this video is an insanely dull way of showing just how gullible some people can be. The video centers on a guy who is too absorbed in the idea of advancement that he fails to grasp the lies that he has been given. He firmly believes that his view of his purchase is right and that anyone else's input means next to nothing. In a way, it is almost scary how well this accurately describes people in our current society, in which the majority of people follow trends that they believe to be popular or that they are told about by someone else without giving it a second thought. So, sorry everyone but I just don't get the humor in a video that accurately describes the way in which society is crumbling.

  5. I agree with Camoran that the video was pretty dull. I feel that this parody of game consoles, such as the Nintendo Wii and Xbox Kinect, is not a very original idea. I have seen other videos with the same concept, but they portray it in a funnier way. I do agree with the point that the video is trying to get across. People today get so caught up in the newest technology that they take advantage of the simpler things in life. Also, people believe they can get the exercise they need to stay healthy by playing these video games. Playing football on this "uMove" is not anything close to playing actual football, just like bowling on the Wii is not the same thing as bowling in real life. You can't replace real life experience with a video game experience.

  6. This video shows the obsession that is overcoming our country. Although I do like to say up-to-date on my technology, I don't obsess so that much that I would ever turn down a game of football with my friends and instead play Madden on any game system. This video shows someone who chooses technology over his friend and by the end of the video, realizes he made the wrong choice spending almost $600 on the newest technology.

  7. This video makes us see how part of our society is. It shows how some people don't care how much money they are spending, as long as they have the newest technology they are set. This being said, it takes these people out of our everyday society because they would rather stay inside and play a 600 dollar video game then play the same thing in real life outside for a small fraction of the price.

  8. I agree with Ryan in the fact that this video shows what our society has become. Everyone is so caught up in trying to "stay up" with the new technology that seems to come out on a daily basis. It is sad to think that many people would chose to sit inside glued to a video game rather than be outside actually doing what they are probably playing in the game. Also, not to mention the amount of money that people are willing to pay to simply have the newest phone or video game is startling, and I believe it is only going to get worse.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I am in favor of Taylor's prediction that the situation is becoming worse. Actually, I regard this video as more of a warning than a parody. The reason why people find it hilarious is because the person in this video is so obsessed that he is no longer acting like a sane person. However, what if more people are becoming overwhelmed and caught up with the more attractive upcoming technologies? Are they finally going to get away with all of these? With regard to that, the video is to press a pause and let people reflect on themselves. A message is being conveyed here that do not let technology take people too far before most of them are deprived of their real life unknowingly.

  11. Similar to what is being said, I do feel like this video is a commentary on how society is becoming more technology-based than community-based. I also feel that it shows how everybody sees the newest technology as better, even when it has much less value than technology before. In this video, even though the uMove is the newest technology, it still has much less use than an older gaming system. Even though this is obviously true, the buyer of the uMove still defends his purchase of the new video game system. This video pokes at society by saying that you can release any technology, saying that it is new, and people will buy it, wanting to have the latest product.

  12. People tend to be indulged in the virtual world to find the things they need, while ignoring the real world. The guy playing uMove feel contented, he would rather spend 599 dollars to play "uMove",and don't feel like to play real football with his friends! Unfortunately,it's obvious that "uMove" is neither a real sport nor a way to exercise. Moreover, it keeps him away from his friends. It may be a latest technology and brings people a lot of fun, but it's still not a substitute for people's real life.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Although this clip makes an attempt to satirize game industry or technology in general, it is quite doubtful that it really implies something critical. First of all, such an unrealistic game is less likely to exist, and if it exists, there could be something beneficial in this game since we don’t know how it operates in our brain. Further, this remarkable technology could be used in some other areas. My point is that the settings are so ambiguous that I’m not sure of the producer’s intention. For example, if he/she were to question technological advancement, it’s still suspicious that the responsibility should go to game industry or individuals with poor judgmental abilities. If he is a really silly person, he should take the blame. If he has a sound judgment, the blame could go to his friend’s lake of prudence presuming outdoor sports are always superior, or we could praise the achievement of technology.

  15. I think Ben and Camoran bring up a good point about the ignorance of American culture. All you have to do is release something, saying it is the newest and best in its line of technology and people will feel the need to have it; only for the reasons of wanting to fit in with what is popular. The video shows just how wrapped up, as a society, we have become in technology. Fifty years ago kids only had their imagination, friends, and nature to keep them occupied. The irony in this, the man in the video payed 600 dollars to use his imagination. Is all this new technology even helping us or is it just killing creativity and social skills.

  16. I have to agree with what Camoran said. I don't understand why some people found this funny or entertaining in any way. Although the video itself isn't that great, the concept is definitely meaningful in society. A man pays 600 dollars because he believes it is the "new thing" in the technology world, but in reality it is just his imagination. The man playing uMove also denies an invitation to a real game of football, which emphasizes the fact that more and more people are becoming too lazy to go outside anymore because they feel they get the same experience from a video game.

  17. I read some of the comments above. Focus is on the untouchable and imaginative technology. I am quite agree with some comments that this technology do not exist now and it has no future. It is aginist the rules in physics. If some objects can not be seen or touched, how can they be used or experienced by human beings. Imaginary is nothing. We can't be full if we just use our minds to think about the food. So this kind of "box" is really stupid. Another thing is that his friend is quite reasonable. He knows what is happening. He doesn't believe that staff. That means this technology doesn't apply to everyone. How can a technology be popular if it is not trusted by all people? In one word, From my perspective, this video can only be for fun, not for a revolution in technology in the near future.

  18. I personally think the video is interesting and funny! Especially the last part. The video stresses on how technology has changed the normal way of living. The person in the video spent $600 for nothing but his own imagination, which he realised later. He did not only waste his money but also spent his precious time doing nothing but daydreaming! I totally agree with the fact that real life experiences cannot be substituted by video game experiences. I think the modern world has placed too much reliance on technology. Although, technology has made our life simpler and easier, but it has its own disadvantages. To live a healthy life, understanding these disadvantages plays a crucial role in day to day life.

  19. (From Sukhmeet): I agree with Tianxia. I did laugh while watching this video. According to me, this video is just for entertainment and it has nothing to do with advancement in technology. Science and technology are two basics which only work together when they are in constant interplay with each other. Moreover, in this video I didn’t find anything related to science so it has nothing to do with technology. I think video is just to show how freak one American football fan can be, as he spent almost $600 for just imaginary box which only Idiot or freak football fan can do.
